Plachtění v Medlánkách 1924
Outros títulos: Gliding in Medlánky 1924
Género: Documentary film
Ano: 1924
Duração: 12:51 min:sec
Descrição: The first national glider competition, which took place at the airport in Medlánky, was opened with the speeches of the chairman of the Czechoslovak Aeroclub, General Kolařík, and the Chairman of the Moravian Aeroclub, Dr Havlík. The viewers come towards the airport. After a group shot of the organizing committee meeting in front of one of the planes follows a series of short views of pilots posing in front of their planes. The mechanics are checking one of these planes. Second lieutenant, Šapošnikov, with a scarf around his neck is standing in front of the glider smoking. The gliders are taking off and landing, one of them does not take off and ends in accident. More successful gliders are drawn by horses back to the starting point. During the national competition taking place from October 18th to November 2nd 1924, Major Skála made a record glide lasting 2 hours, 21 minutes and 51 seconds. The film ends with the festive gathering of all participants at the airport celebrating the anniversary of October 18th, 1918 and raising of the national flag.
Palavras-chave: dokument / letectví / stanice meteorologická / větroně / větroň tažený koňmi / větroně vojenské / větroň ZA 2-1 / soutěž větroňů / větroň HLDZ - 4 / letiště / větroň Ing.C.Pánka / letci / větroň Dewoitine 8 / děti u letadla / větroň Nitra-1-7 / větroň startující / větroň Míra 3 / větroň letící / větroň Dewoitine 5 / větroň havárie / větroň Zobor 6 / 28.říjen výročí / aviation / meteorology station / gliders / glider pulled by horses / military gliders / glider ZA 2-1 / glider competition / glider HLDZ - 4 / airport / glider of Ing.C.Pánek / pilots / glider Dewoitine 8 / children with a plane / glider Nitra-1-7 / glider taking off / glider Míra 3 / glider Dewoitine 5 / glider in accident / glider Zobor 6 / anniversary of October 28
Fornecedor: Národní filmový archiv
Direitos: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Companhia produtora: Ministerstvo národní obrany
Cor: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Tipo de documento:
Colecção: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs